

Verfassungsfragen beschäftigt sich mit den Themen Recht und Gerechtigkeit und stellt die Fragen und Gedanken der Jugendlichen und jungen Erwachsenen und deren dazu entwickelte Körperlichkeiten in den Fokus. Die Tänzer*innen haben jeweils ein Solo zu deren individuellen Frage entwickelt.

Choreografie: Katharina Senk
Musik: Minute of Peace - Good Lee -
Video: DelbeauFilm
Tanz Youth Dance Company mit Annika Wernitznig, Costanza Baldari, Eva Schild,Iliya Hossein, Jana Elisabeth Irlenkäuse, Laura Desch, Maria Konstantina Theodorou, Mats Pomper
Eine Produktion von Tanz die Toleranz
Künstlerische Leitung: Monica Delgadillo Aguilar
Management: Claire Blaschke
Koordination: Johanna Strampfer
Assistenz: Lucia Testa, Laurie Chou


copyright by Martina Stapf
copyright by Martina Stapf


choreography and performance: Tanja Erhart, Katharina Senk

co-produced by Metal Culture (UK)
supported by beat1060, Kate Marsh, ImPulsTanz-Festival, D.ID - Dance Identity and Goethe Institut Max Mueller Bhavan
Next Performance at "NO LIMITS - Festival" in Berlin (GER) and Bangalore (IND) on 16th of November, 2019.

Two crutches_Tanja and Katharina_Bangalore and Berlin. 
non_yielding - exploring encounters of lively matter - is a connective performance via skype, where Katharina Senk in Bangalore and Tanja Erhart in Berlin are being moved by their crutches, connecting audiences from two countries while playing with the pleasures and pressures of the intricacies of flesh-bending human-material-relations.

Migrant Bodies - Moving Borders

involved as choreographer/dance-artist
partner-organization: D.ID - Dance Identity, Liz King and Max Biskup


Migrant Bodies develops a shared international research, focusing on identifying, developing and testing new and relevant actions for the inclusion of refugees and migrants with dance and movement based initiatives. The research brings together dance artists in Italy, Austria, Croatia and France, in dialogue with writers, filmmakers, organizations and associations which assist refugees, educational institutions, universities, members of the partner organizations, experts and citizens. Inclusive dance practices are being conceived and held for migrants and refugees within the communities they live in, enabling project participants to gain new skills and enrich their professional life, embracing new opportunities in working with migrants. Migrants and refugees are invited in dance classes, to events and performances, experiencing being part of a collective, and live a common experience with citizens, in theatres and artistic contexts.
Some activities involve children of second/third generations of migrants with the dance artists to create, the Moving Borders walks: guided tours reflecting their view point of the cities they live in. The walks are public events where citizens, migrant and refugees discover together the cities from new perspectives. Parallel to the dance activities and Moving Borders walks, stories of migrants are collected with audiovisual supports. They become part of an artistic exhibition/installation that accompanies the presentations of the project, and its results, at festivals and events, to promote respect and understanding for diversity, giving EU citizens the opportunity to discover, to learn and to understand the values and cultures of refugees/migrants and rediscover and enriching their own. A final international symposium and an online publication collect the documentation and the best and new practices identified. It supports the dissemination of the outcomes of the project across fields and territories beyond the life of the project.

The project is supported by the EU Creative Europe Programme

copyright by Max Biskup/D.ID
copyright by Max Biskup/D.ID

Seid umschlungen.

Eine performative Begegnung mit "Rope" von Ief Spincemaille.

Eröffnung "Sinnesrausch 2019" im Offenen Kulturhaus Linz
in Kooperation mit SCHÄXPIR-Festival 2019

Tanz & Performance: Katharina Senk
Musik & Performance: Richard Eigner
Konzept: Julia Ransmayr

copyright  by Timar Gergely
copyright by Timar Gergely

[white hole]

dance performance

co-produced by SCHÄXPIR FESTIVAL 2019


choreography and performance: Katharina Senk, Maartje Pasman
sound: Patrick Gutensohn
photografie & light-design: Laurent Ziegler


[white hole] ist eine bewegte, inter-aktive und multi-sensorische Expedition in eine neue Wirklichkeit.

Zwei Tanz-Performerinnen laden dich ein, mit ihnen in eine Welt einzutauchen, in der Mensch und Maschine in Verbundenheit miteinander leben. Gemeinsam erforschen wir wie eine technologisch „überarbeitete“ Menschheit in Zukunft handeln, denken und fühlen wird. Weißt du, was dein Körper kann? Und was er in Zukunft können wird? Welche neuen Möglichkeiten und Grenzen entdeckst du?

copyright by Laurent Ziegler
copyright by Laurent Ziegler


The two dancers Anjana M.R. and Katharina Senk work on the fusion of dance and martial arts in their intercultural project SHAKTI. The project is shared within several contexts in Austria (April & May 2019) and India (November & December 2019): In the form of performances of the artistic collaboration between the two movers, in workshops for non-professional as well as professional dancers of all ages, in workshops for kids aged 3-5, in talks and discussions as well as in a big group-choreography which they were asked to create for a group of 50 dance-students etc.
They explore the impact and the consequences the southern-indian Martial-Arts style of Kalaripayattu has on their individual artistic practice, their bodies, and their respective surrounding societies.
In addition to their research on a personal level, the two dancers question how the practiced and visible (re)presentation of female power are encountered and perceived in their different national and social contexts.
How can the artforms of dance and of martial-arts facilitate a sense of empowerment and safety? In the body? But also in the societies we live in?
SHAKTI is a (warrior)dance for power, security and resilience.

With the generous support of Bundeslanzleramt Österreich, beat1060 and Hindustan Kalari Sangam. Thank you.
Also Thanks to BG/BRG Wels, D.ID - Dance Identity, Tanz die Toleranz and to our dear friends and families for their love and help.


Please find the full Project-Report here: 

copyright by Stefan Brandstetter
copyright by Stefan Brandstetter

wir sind keine armen würstel

dance performance
in the frame of a lecture by "Ohrenschmaus Literaturpreis" and "Wir sind Wien. Festival der Bezirke."

choreography and dance: Katharina Senk
performance: Mathias Lenz and Katharina Senk
concept: Gerlinde Hofer, Mathias Lenz and Katharina Senk


Würstelstand Leo - Wien 2018


copyright by Mirza Muslic
copyright by Mirza Muslic


a dance-performance for four dancers

concept and choreography for "super[human]"
produced by D.ID - Dance Identity
performers: Maartje Pasman, Laureen Drexler, Robyn / Hugo Le Brigand and Harmen Tromp
costumes: Gera Graf
mentoring: Liz King and Max Biskup
photography and videography: Max Biskup and Nicky Webb
sound-concept: Patrick Gutensohn


Premiere in December 2018
Invited to various festivals in 2019:
Front@ Festival (SI), Burgenländische Tanztage (AUT), Lange Nacht des Tanzes (AUT)








a solo-dance-performance

choreography and performance: Katharina Senk
concept and dramaturgy: Julia Ransmayr, Clemens Bauder, Katharina Lackner and Katharina Senk
installation: Katharina Lackner and Clemens Bauder
sound-concept: Markus Reindl and Clemens Bauder

March 2018
"UNTEN Linz" in ÖO Kulturquartier - Linz

copyright by Max Biskup
copyright by Max Biskup
copyright by Dimitrios Vellis
copyright by Dimitrios Vellis

Give your Ego a Circle

a solo dance-performance in two parts
"Give your Ego a Circle I" and "Give your Ego a Circle II"

choreography and performance: Katharina Senk
concept and dramaturgy: Julia Ransmayr and Katharina Senk
installation: Clemens Bauder
sound-concept: Markus Reindl

November 2017
"UNTEN Linz" in OÖ Kulturquartier - Linz

copyright by Florian Voggeneder
copyright by Florian Voggeneder

my world is brOKen

choreography and stage-direction for the theatre-performance "my world is brOKen"
performed by students from BG/BRG Oberschützen
in cooperation with Franz Stangl, author Katharina Tiwald and OHO-Theatre


May 2017
Offenes Haus Oberwart - Burgenland

body & bosch

choreography for a big outdoor theatre re-opening
in Den Bosch (Netherlands)
in cooperation with
"Vooropleiding Hedendaagse dans", "Bosch 500" and ""

choreography: Katharina Senk
concept: Liz King -


October 2016
Theater aan de Parade - Den Bosch


solo dance-performance

premiere: Sanatta Görünürlük Festivali Istanbul - 28.4.2016
pre-premiere: Raw Matters at Schikander Wien - 18.4.2016


concept and choreography: Katharina Senk


April 2016
Vienna and Istanbul


copyright by Murat Dürüm
copyright by Murat Dürüm

friedrich rückert

vertanzte lesung

konzept und schauspiel: Oliver Leidenfrost
choreografie und tanz: Katharina Senk


Mai und September 2016
Freskensaal im Fuhrmannhaus - Wien

der blöde ritter

choreografie, einstudierung und pädagogische leitung für das kinderballett mit harmoniemusik

entstanden in erfolgreicher zusammenarbeit mit:
BG/BRG/BORG Oberschützen
Kunstuniversität Graz
KUG Institut Oberschützen
Burgenland musiziert

Oktober 2015
Theater im Palais - Graz
KUZ - Oberschützen

be in the city

solo outdoor-performance in public space

concept and performance: Katharina Senk

June 2014
Kagraner Platz - Vienna

auf uns.

contemporary-hip-hop-duett with artist Christina Böhm

concept, choreography and dance: Christina Böhm and Katharina Senk
filming and video: Gregor Aradi

Summer and Fall 2014

copyright by Laura Blubb Photography
copyright by Laura Blubb Photography