
Fall 2024: HEXEN on Tour in AUT and CH

copyright by Dušana Baltić
copyright by Dušana Baltić

After two wonderful performances at "Kultursommer Wien"-Festival this August, we are happy to announce that HEXEN will be touring to "Tanz in Bern"-Festival at Dampfzentrale Bern in Switzerland and to "InTaKT Festival" in Graz this November.

We´ll soon update you with all links and details!
Until then us witches wish you a magic start into a Fall 2024!

"Wein, Weib und Gesang" and "FEVER" are back!

copyright by Natali Glišić
copyright by Natali Glišić

I can´t wait to be back with "Wein, Weib und Gesang" - choreographed by Grete Wiesenthal in 1922 and transmitted by Susanne Kirnbauer-Bundy - and my Solo "FEVER" to the outstanding song "Magic Wall" by Verena Zeiner und Wolfgang Schlögl.

The performance will happen in the frame of a lecture performance/talk together with Dr. Andrea Amort in Gmunden at Villa Toscana on March 23rd at 19:30.

Find more details HERE!

Imagetanz Festival: Sharing my Research on Artistic Audiodescription

copyright by Anaïs Horn, Grafikdesign: Fondazione Europa
copyright by Anaïs Horn, Grafikdesign: Fondazione Europa

In the frame of "The Art of Access"-conference, which will happen on March 16th as part of this year´s Imagetanz Festival at brut and is organized by Tanja Erhart, Julischka Stengele and Hanna Steinmair - I am happy to share my research and knowledge on Artistic Audiodescription in a keynote and a panel-discussion with amazing experts.
Come and join - the entrance is free and there will be breaks, chill-out-zones, food, time to exchange and dive deep.
Find more details HERE!

Premiere 2024: Im Orbit

copyright by Hanna Fasching
copyright by Hanna Fasching

The Premiere in May 2024 of our new performance Im Orbit created by our was a huge success and we are so happy we pushed boundaries by creating an Outdoor-Performance for Young Audience with Creative Audiodescription!

Thanks to the most amazing team!
Künstlerische Leitung: Katharina Senk

Tanz, Text, Choreografie, Performance: Iris Omari Ansong, Yuria Knoll, Maartje Pasman, Katharina Senk

Sound-Design und Komposition: Mbatjiua Hambira

Kostüm und Ausstattung: Julia Trybula

Dramaturgie: Sina Heiss

Technische Beratung: Manu Mitterhuber

Technischer Support: Zeynab Kirikou Gueye

Access-Beraterin für sehbehindertes Publikum: Theresa Scheinecker

Produktion und künstlerische Assistenz: Wibke Scheler 

Fotos: Hanna Fasching

Film und Trailer: Benjamin Skalet
Space-Guides: Elena Verena Lach, Stella Radovan, Wibke Scheler

Sprecher*innen: Emma Wiederhold, Ivana Urban, Emre Cakir, Isra Doghman, Nenda Neururer

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der MA7 Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien und des BMKÖS.

HEXEN back in Vienna!

copyright by Dušana Baltić
copyright by Dušana Baltić

Die HEXEN sind im Jänner 2024 wieder zurück im Dschungel Wien!!!
Nach unseren ausverkauften Vorstellungen im September 2022 und einer wunderschönen Hexen-Tour 2023, freuen wir uns sehr auf eine magische Rückkehr nach Wien!
Nähere Infos zum Stück und Tickets findest du hier:

Research on Artistic Audiodescription

copyright by Hanna Fasching
copyright by Hanna Fasching

It´s almost end of October and I already got to research with great-experts on Artistic Audiodescription for Dance and Performance within my Scholarship by the City of Vienna. In September I got to follow Fia Neises and her work, right now I´m at Kampnagel in Hamburg following Ursina Tossi and her team of artists on their journey of creating adance-piece, that is also fully accessible to blind audiences.
I´m curious where this will continue to go and I´m very excited for doing my first audio-description for amazing Michael Turinsky on the tour to Belgium of his performance SOILED in November.

Catch HEXEN on Tour!

copyright by Franzi Kreis
copyright by Franzi Kreis

HEXEN is touring!
We are so happy to bewitch you soon!

Warmest invitation to our upcoming touring dates:

HEXEN goes SCHÄXPIR-Festival in Linz on June 21st at 10:00 and 17:30
More Details here:
Magic in Linz!

HEXEN goes SPECTRUM-Festival in Villach on July 7th at 19:00
More Details here:
Magic in Villach!

"B**oomB!" at VORBRENNER Innsbruck

copyright by Philip Pürcher
copyright by Philip Pürcher

Sina Heiss, Alexander Yannilos, Mia Shen and me have just finished over a week of residency and two exciting work-in-progress-showings sharing the status-quo of our project "B**oomB! - Burn the Shit out of me, Baby!" at VORBRENNER Innsbruck.

What a week! What a team! What a generous audience!

For more details about on of my dearest projects guided by amazing Sina Heiss please have a look HERE!

HEXEN is nominated for a STELLA-Award

copyright by Dušana Baltić
copyright by Dušana Baltić

HEXEN are nominated in the category of "Most outstanding Production for Children" for a STELLA-Award by ASSITEJ Austria this year.
We feel very honored and can´t wait for the big Gala on October 6th in Linz!
Also: Soon we´ll be able to announce new HEXEN-Touring dates. And we will be back at Dschungel Wien in January 2024. Loads of magic waiting for you!

Bliss. A Thing of the Past? An Appropriation.

copyright by Natali Glišić
copyright by Natali Glišić

So much can be said about our piece "Glückselig. War gestern, oder? Eine Aneignung" by Lebendiges Tanzarchiv Wien and initiated by Andrea Amort- an absolutely amazing dance-project involving so many different generations of dance-artists, tracing Grete Wiesenthals heritage, dealing with pasts, presents and futures.
I´m so grateful for having had the chance to be part of it and for three sold-out performances at brut Wien.

new and exciting collaborations in 2023

copyright by Natali Glišić
copyright by Natali Glišić

Announcing beautiful premieres and projects for 2023:

30th of March at brut Wien: Karnutsch/Pichler/Schaller and Senk in "Bliss. A thing of the Past?" inspired by historic Grete Wiesenthal and initiated by Andrea Amort, who brought all of us artists together. Find more Details about Bliss here.

27th of April at Dschungel Wien:
SCHREI by Kollektiv kunststoff
in a choreography by Raffaela Gras

And I´m very happy to continue working with the Alexandri-Sisters: Austrias amazing Olympic Athletes in  Synchronized Swimming! And supporting them in their dance-routines outside of the water.

RED NOSES: artistic research lab

copyright by Red Noses International
copyright by Red Noses International

This was one of the most awesome projects of 2022:
Together with amazing colleagues I got to co-direct an artistic research lab for RED NOSES Clowndoctors International investigating the connections of Clowning, Music and Movement in Healthcare.

I´m so amazed by the outcomes and I hope to share more of it soon with you. Thanks to Maggie Rössler and her team for making this possible. And big Senkilove for each and every participant!
Check out RED NOSES´ work here:

happy senki: arbeitsstipendium 2023

copyright by Dušana Baltić
copyright by Dušana Baltić

Very honoured to announce I was awarded the Arbeitsstipendium-Scholarship by the MA7 - Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien - for 2023. I will focus on Audio-Description and it´s connection to Dance - and the fact this practice is not yet established in Vienna - and how to change this for the better! Access is Love!
Can´t wait to deep-dive into my research next year. Danke, Stadt Wien!

HEXEN: trailer is out!

One month ago we premiered HEXEN at Dschungel Wien. HEXEN is a dance-theatre-piece by for young Audience (8+) and translated into Austrian Sign Language on stage. 

Thanks for the best team ever to make this magic possible!
Idee, Choreografie, Performance: Maartje Pasman, Yuria Knoll, Iris Omari Ansong, Katharina Senk
Kostüm, Bühne: Julia Trybula
Licht: Hannes Röbisch
Zauberkunst: Thomas Thalhammer
Produktionsleitung: Dušana Baltić
Dolmetscher:innen: Elke Schaumberger, Georg Marsh

Film/Trailerschnitt: Benjamin Skalet
Musik im Trailer: „Peeping Thom“ von TWEAKS

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung von Verein Moritz, MA7 - Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien und BMKÖS

schmusechor x senki

Huge gratitude for the collaboration with amazing Schmusechor and Verena Giesinger in the past years and the next step of it: Our collective performance at communale OÖ in Eferding - with choreographies from me expanding the schmusechor-experience!
You fill my heart with all the feelings - thank you, Schmusechor!

super[human] goes communale oö

copyright by Max Biskup
copyright by Max Biskup

super[human] is back in a new and exciting version for communale oö in Eferding curated by amazing Julia Ransmayr!
Performances on 29th, 30th and 31st of July with Yuria Knoll, Iris Omari Ansong, Maartje Pasman and myself.
The cyborgs are back - and dancing!
Check out the details here:

Choreography for Schmusechor

Very happy I got to choreograph the most amazing Schmusechor-Coverversion of Backstreet Boys´ "I want it that way". More great music and movement is in the making!
What a big pleasure working with Schmusechor was to me and how deeply they make my heart dance with their voices! Danke.

We cyborged Geneva!

copyright by Magali Dougados/GTG
copyright by Magali Dougados/GTG

We had a wonderful time and a big success with our performances of Homo Deus Frankenstein - a performance by Sara Ostertag & Johan de Smet with Music by Frederik Neyrinck and I Solisti. Performed by Sheva Tehoval and me. And we got good critiques:

Thank you, to everybody who made this possible and to all the kids and schools and families who came to experience this amazing piece of art!
I am so grateful for having had the possibility to perform and share on stage. Especially in these dark and challenging times for Europe and the whole World, I believe in the Power of Art. Make Art not War!

Homo Deus Frankenstein

Looking forward to performing at Grand Theatre Geneve in Homo Deus Frankenstein by Sara Ostertag, Johan De Smet and music by Frederik Neyrinck as a substitute for amazing Martina Rösler. What a blessing to dance for young audience together with singer Sheva Tehoval in this outstanding production!
Find all the details and dates here:

j_e_n_g_a: Interactive Film-Version

copyright by Franzi Kreis
copyright by Franzi Kreis

Tanja Erhart and me are very happy about our j_e_n_g_a-Premiere in January 2022. Thank you, for everybody who joined and supported us! All our love for you!

In case you have missed out on the live performance, there is an interactive film version by amazing Lorenz Tröbinger. Best to enjoy with PC or Laptop and a good internet connection.  We wish you loads of pleasure!

Premiere: j_e_n_g_a

copyright by Franzi Kreis/Im_flieger
copyright by Franzi Kreis/Im_flieger

After so many year it´s here:
The premiere of our j_e_n_g_a on January 20th at brut nordwest!

We warmly invite you to join us in the theatre and/or to join the online-premiere of our interactive film-version of j_e_n_g_a.

Tanja Erhart, her two crutches and me can´t wait to experience this  performance with you!

Tickets und Infos hier!

Premiere: Die Überflüssigen

copyright by Anna Stöcher/TAG Theater Wien
copyright by Anna Stöcher/TAG Theater Wien

Theaterstück von Sina Heiss frei nach "Iwanow" (von Anton Tschechow). Mit choreografischen Elementen von mir. Und dem großartigen TAG-Ensemble!

Herzliche Einladung ins wunderbare TAG-Theater in Wien.

Tickets und Infos hier!

Music-Video: The Argument

I had the pleasure to perform and choreograph for the Duo Zeiner and Schlögl in their new music video The Argument.

Most special collaboration with:
Verena Zeiner - piano, synthesizers I-Wolf - all other instruments
Vifill Prunner - Video

Enjoy sound and picture and movement! And please listen to their Album "Magic Wall" - it´s pure magic!

SCHÄXPIR Festival: #schalldicht

copyright by Helmut Walter
copyright by Helmut Walter

Go and get your tickets for our Theatre-Piece #schalldicht!
An interdisciplinary theatre-piece for Young Audience aged 13+. Written and directed by Sina Heiss, sound by Manu Mitterhuber  and choreography by me.
Premiere on June 17th at Phönix Theater Linz in the frame of Schäxpir Festival 2021.
We are excited about creating something very special for you, your friends and families!

For details and tickets please have a look:

Lecture at Kepler Salon

copyright by Max Biskup
copyright by Max Biskup

I´m delighted to invite you to my talk/lecture about Future Bodies - Körper der Zukunft in the frame of Kepler Salon in cooperation with Schäxpir Festival, hosted by Karin Wagner.

The enry is free, spaces are limited.
The talk will happen in German.
For closer details and registration please have a look:

j e n g a-Interview for Springback Magazine

copyright by Franzi Kreis / Im_flieger
copyright by Franzi Kreis / Im_flieger

Amazing Claire Lefévre interviewed Tanja Erhart and me about our collaboration between analog and digital worlds and our upcoming performance j e n g a. It´s the three of us talking about multi-sensorial connection, technological pleasures and the aesthetics of access
The interview is published in English in Springback Magazine.
Have a look and feel the pleasure!

shakti. final weeks.

copyright by Stefan Brandstetter
copyright by Stefan Brandstetter

Anjana MR and me are in the second part of our SHAKTI-project, traveling all over Kerala to conduct workshops and perform together. We are very grateful for the support of our SHAKTI in the frame of "Bilateral Artistic Exchange" by Bundeskanzleramt. And we also want to thank beat1060 and Hindustan Kalari Sangham for their support.

Our final report and many pictures will be available end of December in the "Portfolio"-Section of this Website. 
Until then: Loads of SHAKTI to all of you!

non_yielding: berlin - bangalore - version

We did it!
Our performance of "non_yielding"-Berlin-Bangalore-Version at "NO LIMITS"-Festival went well.
And Tanja Erhart and me had an interview with an Indian Newspaper. Check it out!

Thanks to "NO LIMITS"-Festival Berlin, Goethe-Institut Bangalore, Sophiensaele Berlin, Metal Culture and their amazing Team - who keep supporting us and allowed us to get all of this started in 2018. And also to beat1060, D.ID-Dance Identity and ImPulsTanz-Vienna who supported us with rehearsal and residency-space. And love to everyone who came and joined the performance. 


Doris Uhlich; "Habitat /Halle E"; copyright by Theresa Rauter
Doris Uhlich; "Habitat /Halle E"; copyright by Theresa Rauter

"Habitat" is over. 120 performers. Over 1800 audience members. Sharing energies, vibrations, realities.  A dream. And I haven´t woken up yet. 

There are no words to describe how I feel about Habitat. There´s gratitude - my flesh is full of it - for being part of this project in the "choreographic realization".
Thank you. To the one and only Doris Uhlich, to her artistic Team, to Boris Kopeinig, my dear colleagues, to TQW and to all the amazing performers. You make my heart dance. Boom Tschak.

[white hole]: premiere at schäxpir-festival

copyright by Laurent Ziegler
copyright by Laurent Ziegler

The great Maartje Pasman and me will create a Performance for Schäxpir-Festival in Linz. Schäxpir is THE Dance- and Theatre-Festival for Young Audience. We are very grateful for this  opportunity and the support of our fellow-artists Patrick Gutensohn and Laurent Ziegler.


Please find all the Details and Dates here:


[white hole] ist eine bewegte, inter-aktive und multi-sensorische Expedition in eine neue Wirklichkeit.

Die Kulturtankstelle Linz wird in ein „weißes Loch“, in eine Begegnungszone mit den Körpern der Gegenwart und Zukunft verwandelt. Es entstehen (Möglichkeits-)Räume für Menschen, Maschinen, Cyborgs und allem was dazwischen existiert.


SCHÄXPIR - Koproduktion
Von & mit: Katharina Senk, Maartje Pasman
Sound: Patrick Gutensohn
Photografie & Lichtdesign: Laurent Ziegler

burgenländische tanztage 2019

copyright D.ID - Dance Identity
copyright D.ID - Dance Identity

D.ID - Dance Identity and their "Choreografisches Zentrum Burgenland" will move to "Kulturzentrum Eisenstadt". They will inaugurate this great change with a top-dance-festival: this years edition of Burgenländische Tanztage.

And I´m happy as can be to be part of it. With two productions. 
Our final presentation of the EU-Project Migrant Bodies - Moving Borders and super[human]. Both performed on June 1st. Liz King and Max Biskup are such strong supporters of my work. It´s great to be part of their Perspektiv-Gruppe zur Förderung von NachwuchschoreografInnen. I value their effort and dedication and how much energy they put into the Austrian dance scene.


So come and join the festival! It will be most awesome!


Here the link with all the infos:



copyright by Stefan Brandstetter
copyright by Stefan Brandstetter
Anjana MR and me got funding for "Bilateral Artistic Exchange" by Bundeskanzleramt to work together. We are so grateful for this opportunity. And we also want to thank beat1060 and Hindustan Kalari Sangham for their support.

Here´s more about SHAKTI:

The two dancers Anjana M.R. and Katharina Senk work on the fusion of dance and martial arts in their intercultural project SHAKTI. They explore the impact and the consequences the southern-indian Martial-Arts style of Kalaripayattu has on their individual artistic practice, their bodies, and their respective surrounding societies.
In addition to their research on a personal level, the two dancers question how the practiced and visible (re)presentation of female power are encountered and perceived in their different national and social contexts.
How can the artforms of dance and of martial-arts facilitate a sense of empowerment and safety? In the body? But also in the societies we live in?
SHAKTI is a (warrior)dance for power, security and resilience.

bodies & accidents

copyright by Laurent Ziegler
copyright by Laurent Ziegler

Premiere of the new production by Georg Blaschke and Jan Machacek at February 21st. Go and get your tickets!

Choreograf Georg Blaschke und Video- und Medienkünstler Jan Machacek machen das Werk des britischen Jahrhundertmalers Francis Bacon zum Ausgangspunkt ihrer neuen gemeinsamen Arbeit. Der Körper als zentrales Motiv Bacons bildet dabei auch die Basis ihrer Annäherung.

A Production by M.A.P. Vienna and brut wien
Choreografische Leitung: Georg Blaschke
Medienkunst:Jan Machacek
Choreografie, Performance: Katharina Senk, Tomaž Simatović
Musikgestaltung: Christian Schröder
Kostümgestaltung: Hanna Hollmann Lichtgestaltung: Sabine Wiesenbauer Videoprogrammierung: Oliver Stotz Bühnenbau:Leopold Kessler
Fachliche Beratung: Barbara Steffen Produktion: Raffaela Gras


Eine Koproduktion von M.A.P. Vienna 2018 und brut Wien.

Mit freundlicher Unterstützung der Kulturabteilung der Stadt Wien und der Kulturabteilung des Bundeskanzleramts Österreich.




rosalia chladek reenacted

copyright by Armin Bardel
copyright by Armin Bardel


Catch me perform "Luzifer" and my reenactment of Chladeks "Tanz mit dem Stab". I´m beyond excited. This intergenerational Project is huge!

Im Zuge der von Andrea Amort kuratierten Ausstellung "Alles tanzt. Kosmos Wiener Tanzmoderne" im Theatermuseum Wien stellen TänzerInnen der MUK sowie der freien Wiener Szene Rosalia Chladek Reenacted historische Soli in neuem Gewand vor.

Der Anfang der Ausstellung Alles tanzt. Kosmos Wiener Tanzmoderne in der Schau als auch im Eroica-Saal des Theatermuseums gilt Rosalia Chladek (1905, Brünn – 1995, Wien). Die Choreografin hat in den 1980ern einige ihrer Werke auf junge TänzerInnen übertragen. Deren Kenntnis macht es möglich, dass 2019 eine neue Generation das Potential der Erb-Stücke untersucht. Getanzt werden historische Soli, darunter Luzifer (1938), aber auch Rekonstruktionen und Neubearbeitungen.

Mit Farah Deen, Cäcilia Färber, Eva-Maria Kraft, Katharina Illnar, Eva-Maria Schaller, Katharina Senk sowie Martina Haager und anderen.

Details und Tickets:


we rocked mak!

copyright by Laurent Ziegler / unstill
copyright by Laurent Ziegler / unstill

Performing for and creating with Georg Blaschke, the wonderful team of M.A.P.-Vienna and my beloved fellow artists Manaho Shimokawa and Tomaz Simatovic was such a pleasureful experience. Thank you - You give me life! Big Thanks also to such a generous audience!

See here what the dance critcs wrote about "Antonio´s imaginary workshop". Short Spoiler: They liked it. ;)

Helmut Ploebst in "Der Standard":

Ditta Rudle in "":

Edith Wolf Perez in "":

"Antonio´s imaginary workshop"

credit: M.A.P. Vienna, after Antonio Mak
credit: M.A.P. Vienna, after Antonio Mak


My next upcoming project is "Antonio´s imaginary workshop" a contemporary dance-performance by M.A.P.-Vienna and Georg Blaschke premiering on November 3rd at WUK Museum Vienna.
I am so much looking forward to dancing this wonderful Trio-work together with my two colleagues Tomaz Simatovic and Manaho Shimokawa.
Checkt out the links and reserve your tickets!


"Antonio´s imaginary workshop"
Georg Blaschke / Choreografie & künstlerische Leitung
Katharina Senk / Choreografie & Performance 
Tomaž Simatovic / Choreografie & Performance 
Manaho Shimokawa / Choreografie & Performance 
Hanna Hollmann / Kostümgestaltung 
Christian Schröder / Musikgestaltung 
Sabine Wiesenbauer / Lichtgestaltung & Technik
Raffaela Gras / Produktion M.A.P. Vienna

the official trailer for "amor hereos" is online!

Der offizielle Trailer für "amor hereos" von c h o r e i a ist online. Viel Spaß beim Anschauen!

Choreographie Barbara Ebner, Daniela-Katrin Strobl
Tanz Katharina Senk Textcollage Sophie Steinbeck Regieassistenz Dagmar Tröstler Licht/Technik Andreas Zemann Bühne/Kostüm Anne Schartmann Produktion Susanne Rosenlechner